The profession of journalism in Portugal has undergone considerable transformations in recent years. On one hand, we see an increase in the proportion of those with higher education degrees, which rose from 65% in 2010 to 77% in 2022. This may indicate a homogenization of access pathways to the profession, which were previously more diverse. On the other hand, the proportion of journalists aged 45 or older recorded in the Employment Records has been rapidly increasing. In 2010, this proportion was only 22%, but by 2022 it had reached 47%. This could be due to two phenomena: either an actual aging of the profession or an increase in precarious work situations - these are not captured by this source, which only accounts for journalists working for an employer.

Journalists working for an employer in Portugal,
by gender

GEP/MTSSS, Quadros de Pessoal Percentage (%)

Journalists working for an employer in Portugal,
by age group

GEP/MTSSS, Quadros de Pessoal Percentage (%)

Journalists working for an employer in Portugal,
by education level

GEP/MTSSS, Quadros de Pessoal Percentage (%)


The journalism profession is marked by several disparities. One of these relates to gender. Despite the fact that the proportion of male and female journalists is almost identical, there are significant pay differences, although they have diminished over the last decade. In 2022, the average salary of female journalists was €1,672, representing only 85% of the average salary of their male colleagues. Relevant disparities are also observed when comparing the average earnings by age group - although in this case, differences can at least partially be attributed to seniority and accumulated experience. In 2022, the average salary of journalists aged 25 to 34 was €1,310, representing only 52% of the average salary of journalists aged 45 to 54, and 41% of those over 54 years old. This trend has changed little over the past decade.

Average income of journalists working
for an employer in Portugal

GEP/MTSSS, Quadros de Pessoal Euros (€)

Average income of journalists working
for an employer in Portugal, by gender

GEP/MTSSS, Quadros de Pessoal Euros (€)

Average income of journalists working
for an employer in Portugal, by age group

GEP/MTSSS, Quadros de Pessoal Euros (€)


According to the Employment Records, the proportion of journalists working as salaried employees with permanent contracts is lower than that of the economy as a whole. Nevertheless, this is a profession where freelance work plays a significant role, so the type of contract does not reflect all forms of job insecurity in this sector. The average number of years journalists stay with the same employer has been increasing—contrary to what happens with other workers. However, it is also important to note that this source does not include self-employed workers.

Journalists working for an employer in Portugal
with a non permanent employment contract

GEP/MTSSS, Quadros de Pessoal Percentage (%)

Average tenure in the company for journalists
working for an employer in Portugal

GEP/MTSSS, Quadros de Pessoal Anos (N)

Journalists registered in portuguese
unemployment centers



The death of journalists while performing their duties, as well as their imprisonment for political reasons, constitute direct attacks on press freedom, freedom of the media, and the right to access information. The disregard for the rules of protection for journalists in war zones, physical coercion, and the threat of depriving these professionals of their freedom undermine fundamental principles of international law and jeopardize key pillars of democratic societies.

Journalists killed around the world

Commitee to Protect Journalists Nº (N)

Journalists missing around the world

Commitee to Protect Journalists Nº (N)

Journalists imprisioned around the world

Commitee to Protect Journalists Nº (N)